The NonBooze Interviews: Kevin Barnes, Head Brewer, Two Roots

Two Roots Straight Drank IPA

Editor: I’m a craft beer snob. In fact,  our first beer blog, BeerHyped, was dedicated to reviewing and voting up only the best craft beers on the market.

So when I first started thinking about curbing my drinking, I was curious about what alcohol-free alternatives were actually available in stores. At the time, all I knew about NA beers were the ancient, skunky lagers of yesteryear, so I had little hope there were decent alternatives on the shelves. I think Kevin Barnes puts it best in this interview, the NA beers of old “tasted like boiled versions of macro lagers.”

Thankfully, Two Roots Brewing’s then-skinny cans of Straight Drank and New West NA IPAs caught my eye one day on the NA rack at the local BevMo.

Two Roots Head Brewer Kevin Barnes

Not thinking much of it, I picked up a six pack of each, and was floored when I took my first sip of Straight Drank, scouring the ingredients to double check if these brews were truly non alcoholic.

Apparently, I wasn’t alone, as Barnes, Head Brewer for Two Roots Brewing Company, pointed out in our recent interview. It seems their brews fool craft beer enthusiasts on a regular basis. 

“Our mission is simple, change the non-alcoholic beer conversation by disrupting a category that is plagued with bland, tasteless products,” he said. “Instead, we deliver an authentic, premium craft beer experience. It’s phenomenal that we are already seeing success and getting recognized for it by our peers and craft enthusiasts.

“For example, while we were pouring our New West NA IPA at the 2019 Great American Beer Festival, people commented that it was better than some of the traditional leaded IPAs they had tasted. It’s what makes all the long hours and speed bumps along the way so worth it!”

While there have been some bumps along the way, Barnes and the Two Roots crew have turned those stumbling blocks into stepping stones, brewing some of our favorite craft near beers in the business. Here’s the rest of our Q&A with Barnes:

What’s the best part about your role with Two Roots?

Barnes: Knowing that we can provide an amazing non-alcoholic option for people who love the taste of a quality craft beer and give them the full flavor experience of enjoying it. Whether it’s paired with great food, you’re taking on the designated driver responsibility, need to be 100% the next day, or are looking to reward yourself after a workout—it’s fantastic knowing that we’ve made this possible for many people. Heading up the brewing operations at Two Roots allowed me to learn so much more about beer and flavor profiles of beverages in general while experimenting and exercising my creative muscles—and boy, brewing a great non-alcoholic beer has been quite the challenge.

What got you into brewing near beers?

Barnes: It’s funny, I used to daydream about brewing a non-alcoholic IPA while working at my previous job. While it wasn’t an option, I always thought brewing a non-alcoholic craft beer would be a great creative challenge that I would really take to heart—and selfishly, I was looking forward to drinking. Then, I got a call from a cannabis company who wanted to make infused beer, which had to be non-alcoholic and the option was there. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take on the challenge.

Two Roots Enough Said near beer reviewTwo Roots Enough Said near beer review

What’s your favorite NA right now?

Barnes: My current favorite is actually our New West IPA that I just spoke about. We continue to dial it in and believe we’re really hitting it right on the head! Not missing the booze at all.

How would you describe the New West NA IPA?

Barnes: New West has this great juicy character with just a hint of bitterness on the finish to remind you of IPAs of old.

What’s the biggest misconception about NA brews?

Barnes: Until recently, the only NA beers that were available tasted like boiled versions of macro lagers. If you didn’t like macro beers, you really wouldn’t like the non-alcoholic version. This “boiled macro lager” perception of non-alcoholic beer continues to persist in people’s minds, unfortunately, until they are introduced to a more thoughtfully created non-alcoholic!

What was your favorite Two Roots batch in the past?

Barnes: I think you always have a fondness for your first, and for me, the non-alcoholic batch we were able to dial in first and locked in our early success with was our Enough Said Helles.

Is Two Roots cooking up anything new this year?

Barnes: We are cooking up some exciting special releases for 2021. Up first is a spicy NA Michelada, followed by some refreshing, crisp, and drinkable summery beers, some seasonal brews, and a mystery collaboration. (Editor: We can’t wait!)

The NA market is growing rapidly. What’s next for you guys?

Barnes: We’re heavily focused on expansion. We recently launched distribution in Michigan, Massachusetts, and Indiana—and are in the process of getting Northern California and Arizona online very soon. Getting more placements in those markets and our existing territories will be our focus.

Where do you see the market in 5 years?

Barnes: The market will continue its explosive growth trajectory, and non-alcoholic beer will solidify its importance in becoming part of more and more people’s lives. And while some may drink it exclusively, many more will supplement non-alcoholic craft beer in many of their social occasions.

How are you surviving the pandemic?

Barnes: The pandemic impacted all breweries across the country. While we closed our tasting room down, we saw demand for our packaged beer increase. The pandemic ignited people’s awareness surrounding their health and overall alcohol consumption—which will continue to gain traction.

What should we look for next in the NA craft beer industry?

Barnes: As the country starts to open back up, we’ll see non-alcoholic beer options take a greater presence at restaurants, bars, ballparks, concert venues – virtually any place alcoholic beer is sold, exposing more and more people to great craft non-alcoholic options.

What can we do to help take the NA market to the next level?

Barnes: Keep doing what you’re doing. Continue to drive conversations and visibility with the people involved with the industry. The more people talk about non-alcoholic craft beer as a viable option, the quicker we can spread the word that it’s here to stay.
Editor: Agreed! That’s what we’re here for! Now stop talking to us and get working on that NA Michelada and mystery collab. We’re thirsting for more!

About Non-Booze Reviews

Non-Booze Reviews writes about all of the latest non-booze to hit the market, including craft near beers, non-alcoholic spirits and zero alcohol wine.

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